Our products are sorted to ABS that transfer film and PP heat transfer film. The firstkind is fit for used in stationeries, make-up, daily things and construction materials etc. also, the other is fit for used in toothpaste tukes, mecicine bottles, dacily things and containers of cosmetics etc.
It is used in various stationeries. It is uery stable and durable.
價(jià)格說(shuō)明 平方價(jià)格
產(chǎn)品數(shù)量 長(zhǎng)期供應(yīng)
包裝說(shuō)明 塑料包裝
產(chǎn)品規(guī)格 廣泛用于各種文具,牢固好、耐磨度高、持久耐用